Funeral Information for English Speakers in Schwäbisch Gmünd
Arranging A Funeral in Schwäbisch Gmünd
Living in a foreign country can mean that some customs are alien and appear strange. This is even more so, when you have to arrange a funeral for a loved one. Some things just don’t fit. There is much alien bureaucracy and requirements that hardly make sense.
In times like these we long for the familiar, for the things that we know and trust. We long for the rituals that have carried us through life and that help us comprehend the incomprehensible. At times like this a quide is needed that knows his or her way around and can make things possible.
We at Haller would love to assist you and help you create a meaningful farewell. Many of us speak Englisch and some of us have lived in English-speaking countries.
We are able to conduct a funeral service in English, German or bilingual. We will assist you with the funeral arrangements – whether you want to bring the body home, the ashes or conduct the burial here.
To arrange a funeral in Germany you need the following documents
- Id Document or passport of the deceased if they have a German passport
- In addition Id Document or passport of the husband or wife, the deceased does not have a German passport
The following are quired by the authorities to demonstrate the family status of the deceased.
- Marriage certificate
- Marriage certificate and divorce certificate if divorced
- Death certificate of the deceased partner if widowed
- Birth certificate when single
Originals with translation are required at all times, we can arrange an officially verified translation for you. Without these the authorities do not issue a full Death Certificate, only an interim one, that can be used for the funeral or transport but not for issues related to the inheritance.
If the body is to be transferred to another country we will need all the above papers plus the name, address, phone number and e.Mail of the receiving funeral home in the home country.
All other documents that are required for the transfer we can arrange for you.